The general manager of our company went to Iran to participate in the 6th Pharmex International Exhibition and investigate the Middle East market

The general manager went to Iran to participate in the 6th Pharmex International Exhibition and investigate the Middle East market

Recently, Jack, the general manager of our company, was invited to Tehran, the capital of Iran, to participate in the 6th Pharmex International Exhibition and inspect the Middle East market. This exhibition is one of the largest pharmaceutical exhibitions in the Middle East, attracting pharmaceutical industry professionals and companies from all over the world.

As the general manager of our company, Jack said that participating in this exhibition is to deeply understand the pharmaceutical market situation in the Middle East, find cooperation opportunities, and expand our company’s business in the international market. He said that the pharmaceutical market in the Middle East has huge potential, and Iran, as an important country in the Middle East, has rich pharmaceutical resources and market demand, and has broad development space for our company’s products.

During the exhibition, General Manager  had in-depth exchanges with representatives of many pharmaceutical companies from the Middle East and discussed cooperation matters. He said that our company will actively seek cooperation with enterprises in the Middle East to jointly develop markets and promote the development of the pharmaceutical industry.

This participation in the exhibition and inspection activities will help our company better understand the needs and trends of the Middle East market and lay a solid foundation for future business expansion in the region. General Manager Li said that our company will continue to increase its efforts to explore the international market, continuously improve product quality and service levels, and provide customers with better pharmaceutical products and solutions.

Looking forward to the future, our company will actively participate in international cooperation with a more open attitude, continuously improve its competitiveness, and contribute more to the development of the pharmaceutical industry.

Post time: Jul-03-2024