The efficacy and function of wolfberry

1, wolfberry has the effect of enhancing immunity

 Lycium barbarum contains Lycium barbarum polysaccharide, which can help enhance the activity of immune cells and improve immunity.

 2, wolfberry has the function of protecting liver

 Goji berries have a protective effect on liver cells, which can help repair damaged liver cells. The effect of lycium barbarum on lipid metabolism or anti-fatty liver is mainly caused by the betaine contained in it, which acts as a methyl supplier in the body. The polysaccharides contained in wolfberry can play a very good protective role on our liver and kidney, and it is also very good for the repair of liver damage. Because it can effectively reduce the body’s serum glutamine conversion into ammonase, so the kidney function will naturally restore health. In addition, wolfberry can also effectively inhibit the precipitation of fat in the body in liver cells, so it also has the effect of promoting the rebirth of liver cells and other cells in the body.

 3, wolfberry has the effect of beauty

 Wolfberry contains very rich lycium polysaccharides, vitamins, carotene, flavonoids and selenium elements, etc., these substances can play a very good antioxidant effect after entering the body, remove excess free radicals in the body, make the body more young.

 4, wolfberry has the function of eyesight

 If the body has eyes fatigue, dry, can not see clearly, and lightheaded situation, this time to take wolfberry water can be a good relief symptoms. Regular use of wolfberry has a very good visual effect. In addition, in the hot weather when the body is easy to appear overheated and irascible situation, this time to take wolfberry can also play a role in clearing fire.

 5, wolfberry has the effect of improving sleep quality

 It is recommended that you take a cup of wolfberry tea every afternoon, which can greatly improve the quality of sleep in the evening

Post time: Sep-22-2022